It's Tuesday! That means that I get to show you a list of books that are related to a specific topic. Today's topic is the top ten books from our childhoods we would like to revisit. There are so many excellent books I read as child. Some of them I reread regularly. So today, I decided to focus on ones that I've not reread in a very long time. And since I am not of the Harry Potter generation, there are no Harry Potter books listed as all of those were published after I grew up.
1. The Little House on the Prairie Series by Laura Ingalls Wilder - I think every little girl at some has been introduced to Pa, Ma, Mary, Laura, Carrie, and Baby Grace. I still have my complete boxed set.
2. The Trixie Belden Mysteries by Julie Campbell - I wasn't too big on Nancy Drew. I thought that she was spoiled. But I LOVED Trixie Belden. I still have my mom's copies and my cousin's copies. I may be missing only two books from having the complete collection.

3. The Forgotten Daughter by Caroline Dale Snedeker - I discovered this book on the school library shelf when I was in 6th grade. It became a frequent check-out for me over those three years. For those of you not familiar with this book, here is the Amazon Summary - New printing of the 1934 Newbery Honor Book, with a beautiful new cover design. Chloé, the young daughter of a noble Roman man, has been lost to her father, and has spent her life as a slave on one of his own villas. Cruelly treated, and with no hope of freedom, her only escape in into the stories of her Grecian mother's home town of Eresós, as told to her by Melissa, a fellow-slave and her mother's dearest friend. Aulus, a brave young Roman solider, is banished from Rome and escapes to his own villa in the Italian countryside. There he is faced by a life-threatening misfortune, is saved by the enchanting young Chloé, and falls in love with her, despite the fact that she is a slave. This historically accurate 1934 Newbery Honor Book is a captivating story of adventure, love, Chloé's struggle with the anger and hatred she feels toward her father, and the forgiveness she learns that cleanses her soul. Also included in this book is a biography of Caroline Dale Snedeker.

4. Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH - by Robert C. O'Brien - I was probably in 4th grade when I first read this book. I actually read the second book in this series first, and then discovered this one in one of the Scholastic catalogs from school. It's just a sweet fantasy tale.
5. The Babysitters Club Series by Ann M. Martin - I read most of these through elementary and junior high school. They were what really got me started babysitting and knowing what to bring with me when I was babysitting.
6. The Sweet Valley Twins by Francine Pascal - I enjoyed these younger versions of Elizabeth and Jessica Wakefield way more than the high school and college ones. I've heard that there is a couple new ones that came out with the twins as adults, but from what I've heard of them, is that I shouldn't waste my time reading them.
7. The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare - I remember reading this in 6th grade English. I've read it countless times since then. But I still enjoy it.
8. The Wrinkle in Time Series by Madeline L'Engle - I was never able to get into her books about the Austins, but I loved the Time books. I loved Meg, Calvin, Charles Wallace, and the rest of the Murrary family. I've even read the others in this world.
9. The Ramona books by Beverly Cleary - I thought that Ramona was hilarious. There was a lot that she got away with that she probably shouldn't have, but I still loved reading them.
10. The Fudge books by Judy Blume - I've read all of these except for the last two. They came out years later and I never got around to reading them.
So tell me what are your childhood favorites? Did I spark any fun memories with my selections?