Saturday, March 14, 2015

Saturday Scribbles Vol 8

Hello my friends. Welcome to a new edition of Saturday Scribbles. I realize that I've not had one in almost a month. All I can say is that life got in the way. I've gotten very very busy. But I'm trying to figure out how I can work this feature back into my week.

I think I've managed to figure it out. At least for now. Because of how busy I've been, my blog has suffered. I'm barely having time to get the book reviews that have specific dates posted let alone anything else.

So I figured, that for the time being, I will spend Sunday afternoons scheduling blog posts for the week. This can include book reviews, Top Ten Tuesday, and of course the Saturday Scribbles. I think that may work for me for now. So yes, this particular post was written on a rainy Sunday afternoon.

I've felt bad that my blog has suffered because life decided to get in the way. But like all things, I can adept. I can change my schedule to account for my busyness.

In spite of all my busyness the past few weeks, I've had some pretty awesome days. I had a party recently where I sold $540 in products. It was so much fun. That party helped lead to one of my highest weeks ever in Mary Kay - $708 in sales for that week.

I've also managed to slowly enjoy a couple of books for pleasure. One was rather short, so it only took me a couple of hours to read. Others were a little longer, so it took me like a week or two to work through. These aren't review books. Though I've got several of those on my plate. Some of my review books coming up (either recently finished or need to start) include Dauntless, Pharaoh's Daughter, Fuzzy Mud, Blood of a Stone, At the Water's Edge, My Heart Stood Still, Where Trust Lies, By Your Side, Crossroads, Pajama Girl & the Coronation of the Cupcake Queen, All Dressed Up in Love , and Sword of Forgiveness. Of those 12, I'm reading 3, finished 3, and have 6 to read. So hopefully the reviews will be up and posted soon. Some will have made it up this week.

And I've managed to take a few hours for myself here and there. I had a pedicure a couple weeks ago. Always very refreshing. And I had my hair cut. I took four inches off. See.

So yes, I've been busy. I will try to arrange my schedule to allow for these posts.

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